Showing all 3 results

  • Tabletop Hydraulic Excavator Kit

    Our brand new tabletop hydraulics excavator kit brings real-world hydraulic principles to life for students to explore hydraulics in an engaging and project-based approach!

    Build your excavator and learn the basic hydraulic concepts necessary for industrial skills in agriculture, industrial maintenance, heavy truck, and manufacturing careers.

    Build, Create, Dig, and Learn!

  • ABB Collaborative Robot 3D Printing

    Have you ever wanted to print BIGGER with your classroom 3D printer? Or have you wanted to explore the capabilities of your industrial and collaborative robots?

    We are proud to introduce the MDAC1 3D Printing System for Education, the first of its kind classroom robotic 3D printer!

    The Collaborative Robot 3D Printing system features a GoFa CRB 15000 cobot and pioneering FDM 3D printing technology from Massive Dimension for unparalleled capabilities and excitement.

    Now certified and authenticated by!

  • Switch Electric Vehicle Lab

    Our Switch Electric Vehicle Training System is designed to be built, tested, driven, and then disassembled class after class for real-world EV Training.  The Switch EV Lab is a turn-key, complete Electric Vehicle Training Program ready to implement at any school. The build-your-own electric vehicle system includes all necessary training items for learners to use every semester, year-after-year! Our Electric Vehicle training solution comes with all courseware you need to run a 17-week class, an 8-week after-school club, or a 2-week summer workshop. Did we mention it can be made a street-legal car?