Providing True Technical Proficiencies

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What is the HVAC Electrical Diagnostics Simulator?

The HVAC Simulator is a simulation tool that combines hands-on training and schematic reading. It allows its users to check fault codes and pick up electrical readings of components with a multimeter as they would in the field; however, users are working on an interactive schematic diagram instead of live equipment. This tool builds its users’ understanding of the relationship between the schematic and electrical field components.

Using a multimeter, users will measure voltage, resistance, or microamps from over 60 different points on the simulator. The HVAC Simulator also comes with an LED fault indicator and mimics several fault conditions, from open compressor windings to a dirty flame sensor.

Above all, it’s a teaching tool that allows students and entry-level technicians to understand the electrical fundamentals of HVAC troubleshooting, improve their ability to read schematics, and boost their confidence using a multimeter in a safe, controlled environment.

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HVAC Electrical Fundamentals - Technician Book

The Electrical Fundamentals – Heating Curriculum Technician Workbook provides a structure to lead a technician though 16 faults and 8 exercises to learn how to read schematic drawings and diagnose no call for heat from a furnace.  This workbook can be used as a self-study or in a classroom setting with an instructor.

This workbook provides a structure to lead a technician though 32 faults and 8 exercises to learn how to read schematic drawings and diagnose no call for heat from a furnace.

This workbook works with both Electrical HVAC Simulator models, CB-1212 and TS-1212, on both platforms, Desktop and Digital.

Note: One Technician Workbook comes with purchase of Desktop Electrical HVAC Simulator.

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HVAC Electrical Fundamentals - Instructor Book

The Electrical Fundamentals – Heating Curriculum Instructor Workbook provides a structure for an instructor to lead a a class though 32 faults and 8 exercises to learn how to read schematic drawings and diagnose no call for heat from a furnace.

This workbook provides a structure to lead a technician or class though 32 faults and 8 exercises to learn how to read schematic drawings and diagnose no call for heat from a furnace with guided discussion topics and assessments.

This workbook works with both Electrical HVAC Simulator models, CB-1212 and TS-1212, on both platforms, Desktop and Digital.

Note: One Technician Workbook comes with purchase of Desktop Electrical HVAC Simulator.


HVAC Comfort Cooling Fundamentals - Technician Book

The Refrigeration Theory – Comfort Cooling Curriculum Technician Workbook provides a structure to lead a technician though 11 diagnostic conditions, commonly seen in the field.  Chapters include information on refrigeration fundamentals, airflow before charge, and non-invasive system check.  This workbook can be used as a self-study or in a classroom setting with an instructor.

The Comfort Cooling Simulator is the FIRST A2L Diagnostic trainer available on the market.

This workbook provides a structure to lead a technician though 16 faults and 8 exercises to learn how to read schematic drawings and diagnose no call for heat from a furnace.

This workbook works with both Electrical HVAC Simulator models, CB-1212 and TS-1212, on both platforms, Desktop and Digital.

About HVAC Simulator



Complete Curriculum and VIDEOS

In addition to the hands-on training aids, we offer incredible training videos, manuals, and instructional support to help teach your students HVAC fundamentals.

Proper troubleshooting and diagnosing skills are brought about by immersive about robust training, along with interactive videos and animations surrounding the HVAC industry.



Perfect for the Classroom

The HVAV-Simulator is the best and most effective way to train entry-level HVAC technicians on the proper techniques and steps to diagnosing and troubleshooting HVAC systems.

Due to the tabletop nature of this training system, learners can learn true HVAC industry diagnosis skills in an approachable and safe manner with no risk of danger to learners or equipment.



Start Training Now

Get started with Toolkit Technologies and our HVAC-Simulator today, and let us help you get up-and-running today!

The HVAC Electrical Diagnosis Tabletop Trainer allows for hands-on and practical training to take place in a matter of minutes. Have learners improve diagnosis skills and schematic skills within minutes of deployment.



Is Cost-Effective

Our HVAC-Simulator is the perfect training tool for class-wide deployment of practical training objectives due to its affordable and approachable price.

The HVAC Electrical Diagnosis Skill Trainer allows for each and every learner to have hands-on access to a true skills development training system.

See how toolkit can help your program

Reach out to our sales team to see which Tenstar configuration would best serve your education or training program!

(512) 203-0590


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