The perfect eLearning complement to ConsuLab’s Speed and Position Sensors Trainer, ELECTUDE’s courseware consists of 8 student-led practical assignments and over 9.5 hours of instruction.
With this practical set-up, the participant can supplement previously acquired knowledge of sensors with practical skills. The practical set-up contains four sensors for determining speed and position; inductive, Hall, MRE with internal and MRE with external magnet.
EM-200-25 Topics of Coverage
Through the preparatory theory and practical assignments the student learns:
- How to manage the multimeter and oscilloscope.
- Concepts such as amplitude, frequency and pulse width modulation.
- Which checks apply to the relevant sensor with multimeter and oscilloscope .
- To recognize and analyze voltages and signals.
- What effect speed, sensor wheel shape, air gap, resistance in cabling have on the signal.
- What this effect on the signal can mean for the functioning of the vehicle and therefore for the customer.