Showing 37–39 of 39 results
ABB IRB 14000 YuMi Collaborative Robot
The first robot to do it. Collaboratively. Uniquely and Effectively. She grabs attention and keeps it.
Best-in-class safety. Ultimate flexibility. Approachable design. ABB’s YuMi robot was engineered to work directly alongside your people and students, and boost productivity and training.
YuMi is the first truly collaborative dual-armed robot, designed for a world in which humans and robots work together. It heralds a new era of robotic coworkers which are able to work side-by-side on the same tasks as humans with extreme accuracy while ensuring the safety of those around it.
Available in single or double-arm configurations.
ABB IRB 1100 Industrial Robot
The ABB IRB 1100 industrial robot is a compact automation workhorse.
Aimed at increasing manufacturing productivity in highly automated industries – electronics, semiconductors, automotive, manufacturing, deburring, grinding, etc – the IRB 1100 provides up to 35% faster cycle times and best-in-class repeatability for high quality manufacturing. It consistently outperforms similar robots in terms of payload and position repeatability (RP) even when under space constraints.
For the classroom, there is no better compact industrial robot training platform with complete curriculum, training applications, industrial certification, industry-relevance, simulation softwares, and more.
RobotStudio Simulation Software
Offline programming is one of the best ways to maximize return on investment for robot systems in both industry and education. ABB’s simulation and offline programming software, RobotStudio, allows robot programming to be done on a PC in the office without shutting down production, which allows you to perform tasks such as training, programming, and automation optimization with ease and simplicity!
The ABB Virtual Controller, an exact copy of the real software that runs your ABB robots in production, and ABB’s Teach Pendant, is built-into RobotStudio so training in the virtual environment exactly replicates real, hands-on training. This allows very realistic simulations to be performed, using real robot programs and configuration files identical to those used on the shop floor or in the classroom.
RobotStudio is the world’s most used offline programming tool for robotics comes with a holistic package of features and add-ons for various applications.
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